Gifted and Talented 5-8
Academically Independent (AI)
Grade 5 only-See K-4 page for more information.
Grade 5
Beginning in fifth grade, students with specific ability in either mathematics or language arts literacy can be assigned to ability-grouped sections. The identification of students for these sections begins in the fourth grade.
Grades 6-8
Beginning in sixth grade, students with specific ability in science and/or social studies can be assigned to ability-grouped sections in these content areas. Universal screening takes place every year for all students. Students currently in E classes, in good academic standing, will continue in the program. The district utilizes multiple criteria in the identification process.
Screening Tools Enrichment Classes
Measures of Academic Progress (MAP): A computerized adaptive multiple choice assessment that measures knowledge in reading and mathematics based on the New Jersey Student Learning Standards.
Curricular Measures
Teacher Input
Additional Information for Parents
Grades 5-8 Enrichment Placement Overview for Families January 2025